Why Metro Movie Buff?

There’s a lot of blogs out there. What makes MetroMovieBuff.com unique is our tagline: “Analysis and Commentary by a Film Lover for Film Lovers.” I chose this as my tagline because it’s straightforward. I LOVE film and I want to share my thoughts with like-minded individuals. Before we go any further, I just want to make one thing very clear. I AM NOT A CRITIC. Yes, I have my opinions, some more critical than others, but I am not here to bash anyone. That’s not what I’m about. Another thing I would like to point out is that these aren’t your typical film school analyses (although I did attend film school). I’ve written enough dry papers on the works of Michael Powell and David Lean (among many others) to last a lifetime. When I use the word “analysis,” I’m talking about a very basic analysis of a certain actor or topic. Nothing too in-depth. My mission is to write about actors, filmmakers, themes, etc. that I’m passionate about. In doing so, I hope to inform, engage, or even inspire my readers.

I want to thank you for visiting my site. I hope you find the topics as interesting as I do. If you like what you see, I encourage you to please share it with fellow movie buffs in your life. Any support is greatly appreciated. Thank you again and feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
